Tips for Success
Internship Timeline
It's never too early to start planning for your internship. The total process - finding an internship and applying and interviewing for it can take several weeks or even months. Here is a general time line to assist you with the planning process.
Step 01 - Research Internships
- Talk with your Career Development Facilitator to find out what internship resources are available to you on campus
- Write your resume & cover letter
- What responsibilities, compensation, experience would you like from your internship
- Attend job fairs to find out about internship opportunities
- Start researching internship opportunities
Step 02 - Apply for Internships
- Apply online or by Lobo Career Connection
- Practice your interviewing skills
- Schedule mock interview with Career Services Office
Step 03 - Interview & Accept
Complete an application for each complany where you would like to intern
- Interview with employers
- Send thank-you letter to each employer who gives you an interview
- Accept an internship offer