Student Employee Development Welcome
Dear Supervisors, Managers, and Newly Employed Students:
Congratulations on being part of an illustrious team at The University of New Mexico! Career Services and staff from the Division of Student Affairs have developed this manual to guide and assist your development as productive employees and supervisors. The Guide to Student Employee Development (SED) will provide a well-rounded employment-based education for a seamless transition into the increasingly competitive environment of the 21st-century workforce. The mission of SED is to help build and enhance the employability skills of student employees to prepare them for future careers outside of the university environment.
Many departments at UNM rely on their student employees as support staff. In addition, student employment is linked to a high level of student success. This is an opportunity for students to develop competencies relevant to any career, and their lives as they move forward to become productive and constructive members of society.
Employers today are seeking specific skills sets for their positions including communication, critical thinking, collaboration, research and data, and professionalism. These employability skills, combined with the education received in their direct field of study will not only support the individual goals of our students but also propagates the University’s ongoing commitment to “educate and encourage students to develop the values, habits of mind, knowledge, and skills that they need to be enlightened citizens, contribute to the state and national economics, and lead satisfying lives” (The University of New Mexico, 2015).
If you have any questions or comments about this guide, please contact Jenna Crabb, Director of Career Services, at We hope you find this tool helpful as you help students become great employees!
Committee for the Guide to Student Employee Development
Eric Boeglin
Operations Manager
Recreational Services
Phone: (505) 277-0178

Jenna Crabb
Career Services
Phone: (505) 277-2531

Marisa Castaneda
Student Employment
Phone: (505) 277-3511

Renee Delgado-Riley, Ph.D.
Assessment and Research
University of Oregon

Cameron Goble
Assistant Director
STEM Collaborative Center
Phone: (505) 277-0843

Tim Gutierrez
Associate Vice President
Student Services
Phone: (505) 277-0963

Amy Hawkins
Program Coordinator
Student Affairs
Phone: (505) 277-0955

Chris Luna
Student Programs Specialist
Upward Bound
Phone: (505) 277-0401