Jacquelyn  Pavia

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Office: Career Services

Career Development Facilitator

I approach career counseling with a passion for helping others find a career that encourages their strengths, overall well-being, and happiness. I incorporate my theoretical orientation of multicultural, feminist, and person-centered counseling to each client.

I am in my last semester of graduate school for Clinical Mental Health and Counseling at UNM. I have gained clinical experience from individual and group internships in the Albuquerque area. I received my B.S in Human Development and Child Science from NMSU. I have worked with marginalized communities by providing early intervention for families in southern New Mexico.

I am here to support the journey and exploration of career paths.


Colleges: College of Arts & Sciences, College of Education, University College & Honors College 

Groups: TRIO/ CAMP/ CEOP, AISS, Cultural Centers, El Centro, First Gen, LoboRespect, Peace Corps,

Projects: 1st Generation